Selecting your collection & variants will influence the total amounts of products that end up in your product feed & affects how your audience is built on ad platforms like Facebook.
Use the drop-down menu to select which collection from Shopify you would like to be included in your Product Feed. Shopify has a collection called "all" which includes all your products by default. Flexify will take the 'all' collection by default if you don't specify another one. Before you save & generate your feed verify the right collection is selected in the preview section at the bottom of the page.
Only Shopify understands the concept of Products & Variants. e.g. T-Shirt (Product) in colors RED - GREEN - BLUE. You can choose to either only include the first variant. (e.g. => T-Shirt) Or you can include all variants (e.g. => 3 items: T-Shirt RED, T-Shirt GREEN, T-Shirt BLUE).
Choosing your collection & variants will influence how many items end up in your final feed. This impacts how long it takes to generate your feed. If you run into problems with your feed we always recommend trying out the first available variant option first.