Attribute: maximum_weight


Subtype Type Units or Values Description
string ⚠️
mg, g, kg, oz, lb

Upper weight limit or capability of an item, often used in conjunction with minimum_weight. The meaning varies with context of the product. For example, when used with minimum_weight, this attribute provides weight ranges for a range of products including pet medicine, baby carriers, and outdoor play structures. The first part is the number. The second part is one of the accepted units: mg, g, kg, oz, lb. Sample values: 35 lb, 45 lb, 15 kg, 20 kg.

other description
The upper weight limit or capability of an item, often used in conjunction with "minimum weight". The meaning varies with context of product. For example, when used with "minimum weight", this attribute provides weight ranges for a range of products including pet medicine, baby carriers and outdoor play structures.
mg, g, kg, oz, lb Maximum weight limit to use this item safely.
string ⚠️
mg, g, kg, oz, lb

Upper weight limit or capability of an item, often used in conjunction with minimum_weight. The meaning varies with context of the product. For example, when used with minimum_weight, this attribute provides weight ranges for a range of products including pet medicine, baby carriers, and outdoor play structures. The first part is the number. The second part is one of the accepted units: mg, g, kg, oz, lb. Sample values: 35 lb, 45 lb, 15 kg, 20 kg.

other description
The upper weight limit or capability of an item, often used in conjunction with "minimum weight". The meaning varies with context of product. For example, when used with "minimum weight", this attribute provides weight ranges for a range of products including pet medicine, baby carriers and outdoor play structures.
mg, g, kg, oz, lb Maximum weight limit to use this item safely.
mg, g, kg, oz, lb Maximum weight limit to use this item safely.