Attribute: unit_price


Subtype Type Units or Values Description

Provide this information for any products customarily sold by a unit of measurement (for example "$10 / pound"). To specify this information, provide the following:

Amount value: this is a float
Currency: any supported currency
Unit type: any of the following measurements:

Centiliters: cl
Centimeters: cm
Count: ct
Cubic Meters: cbm
Feet: ft
Fluid Ounces: fl oz
Gallons: gal
Grams: g
Inches: in
Kilograms: kg
Liters: l
Meters: m
Milligrams: mg
Milliliters: ml
Ounces: oz
Pints: pt
Pounds: lb
Quarts: qt
Square Feet: sqft
Square meters: sqm
Yards: yd

This information is uploaded via feed uploads in the unit_price field in a JSON format as follows:

{value: 10.0, currency: "USD", unit: "lb"}

It can also be uploaded via XML as follows:


Example: Download a sample CSV file with an example of adding unit_price to products.