Category: baby_feeding

also know as the Baby Feeding subvertical, part of the Baby & Kids vertical


Attribute Type Units or Values Description

Special features related to your item that might be important for buyers. Sample values: Waterproof, Personalized, Vintage.

  • To provide multiple values using a single feed additional_features field, the acceptable input format is 'Waterproof', 'Personalized', 'Vintage'.
  • To provide multiple values with one value per feed field, use feed field names, such as additional_features[0], additional_features[1]. For example, the acceptable attribute value input format for fields, such as Waterproof.
other description
Additional features related to your item that might be important for buyers.
age_range recommended
Minimum and maximum ages for appropriate use of this item in months or years.
list_string ⚠️

Statement regarding any ingredients that may be food allergens, often written as "Contains X" or "Manufactured in a facility which processes Y". Sample values: Contains Peanuts, Soy, Manufactured in a facility that processes tree nuts, milk, and eggs.

  • To provide multiple values using a single feed allergens field, the acceptable input format is 'Contains Peanuts, Soy', 'Manufactured in a facility that processes tree nuts, milk, and eggs'.
  • To provide multiple values with one value per feed field, use feed field names, such as allergens[0], allergens[1]. For example, the acceptable attribute value input format for fields, such as Contains Peanuts, Soy.
other description
Statement regarding any ingredients that may be food allergens, often written as "Contains X" or "Manufactured in a facility which processes Y."
baby_food_stage recommended
Baby food purees are grouped into 3 different stages ranging from single-ingredient smooth purees to chunky combination purees filled with soft cooked foods.
⚠️ Documented as life_stage
string ⚠️
Newborn, Infant, Toddler

Life stage of a child. Sample values: Newborn, Infant, Toddler.

other description
Describes the life stage of the child

Particular character, person, or entity that the item represents or is associated with. Sample values: Chewbacca, Spongebob.

other description
The particular character, person or entity that your item represents or is associated with.

Describes the taste or flavor of the item, as described by the manufacturer. May be an important attribute for shoppers for items, such as dental products or medicine. Multiple values accepted. Samples values: Cinnamon, Peppermint, Bubble Gum, Citrus, Chocolate, Berry.

  • To provide multiple values using a single feed flavor field, the acceptable input format is 'Cinnamon', 'Peppermint', 'Bubble Gum', 'Citrus', 'Chocolate', 'Berry'.
  • To provide multiple values with one value per feed field, use feed field names, such as flavor[0], flavor[1]. For example, the acceptable attribute value input format for fields such as this is Cinnamon.
other description
Describes the taste or flavor of the item, as described by the manufacturer. May be an important attribute for shoppers for items like dental products, medicine or baby foods.
gender recommended
female, male, unisex The gender of a person that the item is targeted towards.

List of active ingredients as shown on the item label. Active ingredients usually perform a specific purpose, such as hydration, anti-acne, and so on. Sample values: Vitamin C, Benzoyl Peroxide, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, Hyaluronic Acid, Hydroquinone.

  • To provide multiple values using a single feed ingredients field, the acceptable input format is 'Vitamin C', 'Benzoyl Peroxide', 'Alpha Hydroxy Acidm', 'Hyaluronic Acid', 'Hydroquinone'.
  • To provide multiple values with one value per feed field, use feed field names, such as ingredients[0], ingredients[1]. For example, the acceptable attribute value input format for fields such as this is Vitamin C.
other description
The list of all ingredients contained in an item, as found on the product label mandated by FDA guidelines.
string ⚠️
mg, g, kg, oz, lb

Upper weight limit or capability of an item, often used in conjunction with minimum_weight. The meaning varies with context of the product. For example, when used with minimum_weight, this attribute provides weight ranges for a range of products including pet medicine, baby carriers, and outdoor play structures. The first part is the number. The second part is one of the accepted units: mg, g, kg, oz, lb. Sample values: 35 lb, 45 lb, 15 kg, 20 kg.

other description
The upper weight limit or capability of an item, often used in conjunction with "minimum weight". The meaning varies with context of product. For example, when used with "minimum weight", this attribute provides weight ranges for a range of products including pet medicine, baby carriers and outdoor play structures.
string ⚠️
mg, g, kg, oz, lb

Lower weight limit or capability of an item, often used in conjunction with maximum_weight. The meaning varies with context of the product. For example, when used with maximum_weight, this attribute provides weight ranges for a range of products including pet medicine, baby carriers, and outdoor play structures. The first part is the number. The second part is one of the accepted units: mg, g, kg, oz, lb. Sample values: 35 lb, 45 lb, 15 kg, 20 kg.

other description
The lower weight limit or capability of an item, often used in conjunction with "Maximum Weight". The meaning varies with context of product. For example, when used with "Maximum Weight", this attribute provides weight ranges for a range of products including pet medicine, baby carriers and outdoor play structures.

Total number of items included in the package or box. Sample values: 12, 24, 36`.

other description
The total number of items included in the package or box.

Consistency, texture, or formulation of the item and the way it can be consumed or dispensed. Sample values: Oil, Gel, Spray, Cream, Powder, Serum, Liquid, Frozen, Granules, Liquid, Bars, Fresh, Whole, Stewed, Sliced, Chopped, Diced, Blended, Powders.

other description
The consistency, texture or formulation of the item and the way it will be consumed or dispensed.
string ⚠️
mm, cm, m, in, ft

Height of the fully assembled product. This may be separate from the seat_height and seat_back_height attributes. The first part is the number. The second part is one of the accepted units: mm, cm, m, in, ft. Sample values: 5 in, 2 ft, 60 cm.

other description
The height of the fully assembled product
string ⚠️
mm, cm, m, in, ft

Length of the fully assembled product. The first part is the number. The second part is one of the accepted units: mm, cm, m, in, ft. Sample values: 5 in, 2 ft, 60 cm.

other description
The length of the fully assembled product.
string ⚠️
mm, cm, m, in, ft

Width of the fully assembled product. The first part is the number. The second part is one of the accepted units: mm, cm, m, in, ft. Sample values: 5 in, 2 ft, 60 cm.

other description
The width of the fully assembled product.

Particular subject, theme, or idea that your item represents or is associated with. Sample values: Space, Super Heroes, Automobiles.

other description
The particular subject, theme or idea that your item represents or is associated with.

Google Product Categories

When you assign one of the following GPCs to your product, Meta will categorize it as Baby & Kids > Baby Feeding

Id Name
562 Baby & Toddler > Nursing & Feeding > Baby & Toddler Food
563 Baby & Toddler > Nursing & Feeding > Baby & Toddler Food > Baby Formula
5719 Baby & Toddler > Nursing & Feeding > Baby & Toddler Food > Baby Food
5718 Baby & Toddler > Nursing & Feeding > Baby & Toddler Food > Baby Drinks
5721 Baby & Toddler > Nursing & Feeding > Baby & Toddler Food > Baby Cereal
5720 Baby & Toddler > Nursing & Feeding > Baby & Toddler Food > Baby Snacks
8436 Baby & Toddler > Nursing & Feeding > Baby & Toddler Food > Toddler Nutrition Drinks & Shakes